I opt for installing using the PPAs/DEBs the following programs (this is because the UBUNTU repositories tend to store older software):
- anaconda (python distribution)
- audacity
- brave browser
- google earth
- google chrome
- gwenview
- inkscape
- matlab
- microsoft edge
- obstudio
- pdfstudioviewer
- qgis
- texstudio
- tor browser
- vscode
- workrave
- xournal++
- zoom
I install from the official repositories the huion driver
digimend-kernel-drivers (en caso de que lo de arriba no funcione)
I install using "apt install"
- dict
- dvipng
- git
- git lfs
- htop
- hunspell-es
- helix
- imagemagick
- kdiff3 (no se si valga la pena instalarlo)
- kolourpaint
- kompare
- krename
- kruler
- krusader
- kubuntu-restricted-extras
- matlab-support
- mc
- meld
- octave
- rar
- subversion
- synaptic
- texlive-full
- ttf-mscorefonts-installer
- vim
- wxmaxima
Programas necesarios preinstalados
- LibreOffice
After installing I had a problem with the resolution 640x480 was the only one available. I fixed it using:
Search Nvidia packages:
$ dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia
Remove all the Nvidia drivers
$ sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'
Go to: System settings >> Driver manager >> Additional Drivers >> select first one (NVIDIA driver 390 propietary, tested) >> Apply Changes
Taken from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1138975/stuck-at-640x480-resolution/1351606
So that inkscape does not complain when opening EPS files generated in MATLAB
Finally, disable the boot screen and show only kernel and boot text: