Saturday, November 27, 2021

Installing KUBUNTU 20.04

I opt for installing using the PPAs/DEBs the following programs (this is because the UBUNTU repositories tend to store older software):

  • anaconda (python distribution)
  • audacity
  • brave browser
  • google earth
  • google chrome
  • gwenview
  • inkscape
  • matlab
  • microsoft edge
  • obstudio
  • pdfstudioviewer
  • qgis
  • texstudio
  • tor browser
  • vscode
  • workrave
  • xournal++
  • zoom

I install from the official repositories the huion driver

digimend-kernel-drivers (en caso de que lo de arriba no funcione)

I install using "apt install"

  • dict 
  • dvipng 
  • git
  • git lfs
  • htop
  • hunspell-es
  • helix
  • imagemagick
  • kdiff3 (no se si valga la pena instalarlo)
  • kolourpaint
  • kompare
  • krename
  • kruler
  • krusader
  • kubuntu-restricted-extras
  • matlab-support
  • mc
  • meld 
  • octave
  • rar
  • subversion
  • synaptic
  • texlive-full
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • vim
  • wxmaxima

Programas necesarios preinstalados

  • LibreOffice
  • VLC

After installing I had a problem with the resolution 640x480 was the only one available. I fixed it using:

Search Nvidia packages:

$ dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia

Remove all the Nvidia drivers

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'

Go to: System settings >> Driver manager >> Additional Drivers >> select first one (NVIDIA driver 390 propietary, tested) >> Apply Changes


Taken from: 


So that inkscape does not complain when opening EPS files generated in MATLAB

Finally, disable the boot screen and show only kernel and boot text:

Install MATLAB 2021b in Linux Kubuntu 20.04

 In order to install MATLAB 2021b, run the following commands:

$ sudo unzip -X -K 

$ xhost +SI:localuser:root

$ sudo ./install 

(adapted from:

Finally run:

$ sudo apt install matlab-support

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Configurando OBS para las clases por ZOOM

* Instale Websockets server plug in.

* Instale StreamFX plug in - 3D transform filter.

* Configure el audio Input/Output con PulseAudio

* Cámara (3D transform filter):
 - Alinear la cámara con el borde superior del tablero, y las dos esquinas superiores con la pantalla.
 - 3D transform:

    - Camera mode: Corner pin
    - Enable Mipmapping: OFF (due to computational overhead)

   - Camera mode: Perspective
   - Field of view: 86
   - Rotation (pitch): 2.59 grados
   - Shear X: 1.95%
* Video Capture Device (V4L2):
   - Video format: BGR3 (emulated)
   - Resolution 1280x720
   - Sharpness: 180
   - Focus, Auto: OFF
* Para las diapositivas de fondo use Window Capture (Xcomposite):   
   - Color key: CUSTOM -> #ffffff
   - Contrast: -1.5

* Configure el directorio de los videos:
Settings -> Output -> Recording -> Recording Path -> /home/daalvarez/Videos

* Cuando intente grabar aparecerá el error "Failed to open NVENC Codec: Function not implemented". Se soluciona con:
Settings -> Output -> Recording -> Encoder -> Software (x264 low CPU usage preset)

* Para evitar una titilación si no estoy mal lo que hice fue:
  - EN NVIDIA X Server Settings  -> OpenGL settings -> Allow Flipping -> OFF (ensaye primero)

Saturday, November 13, 2021

How to crop PDFs

 Something that I have is to read papers with a very small font, specially when there are large margins around.

In order to crop this margin, I do not use linux at all, but this page: Crop PDF Online. Automatically trim white margins in one click. Then, I download the PDF and I print it using FIREFOX. I like it better than OKULAR,since it does have an accurate preview. 

When cropping a PDF, simply concentrate on the upper and lower margins. Left and right margins are not that important, since when you print the PDF, it will scale properly.

Monday, August 30, 2021

How to install Huion 1060 Plus on Ubuntu 20.04



            That is:

$ sudo apt-get install -y "linux-headers-$(uname -r)"
$ sudo apt-get install -y dkms
$ git clone
$ cd digimend-kernel-drivers
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo modprobe -r hid-kye hid-uclogic hid-polostar hid-viewsonic
  • Reconnect the tablet
  • Run the "Tablet Wacom Finder" in KDE and configure the table.
  • Restart the computer